My name is
Majid Laklouk

I design, write and test full stack applications in various languages and frameworks.

About me

Explore the rest of the page to learn more about me.

I'm a versatile full stack engineer and developer with a diverse
range of languages and technologies in my app development toolkit.

Full stack engineering

I have strong practical experience in many areas of software engineering:

  • OOP and functional programming
  • Strongly and dynamically typed languages
  • Automated testing and CI/CD
  • Unit, integration and E2E testing (TDD)
  • Using and writing documentation

Collaborative development

I know how to work effectively as part of a software development team, through:

  • Version control and git workflows
  • Peer/mob programming and code review
  • Collaborative practices of agile and scrum
  • Working with user stories and requirements
  • Debugging and refactoring code

N-tier app architecture

I've written several full-stack applications that leverage the following:

  • Angular, React and Vue
  • Responsive, mobile-first design
  • Plain CSS plus popular CSS frameworks
  • Plain HTML and JS with jQuery and PHP
  • Separation of concerns and modularity

Data-centric apps

I create complex, modular CRUD apps that are built around:

  • MVC REST APIs that I've created
  • Third-party JSON API services
  • Web APIs and dev tools
  • Asynchronous data fetching
  • Reactive UI + conditional rendering
  • State management with Redux + NgRx
  • User authentication + authorisation

Data modelling & SQL

When it comes to working with data, I'm well-versed in these key areas:

  • SQL in multiple flavors
  • Non-relational databases
  • Data normalisation
  • Complex SQL join queries
  • SQL schema constraints

Tech stack

I have practical experience in working with a variety of languages, frameworks and technologies within web development.

Programming languages      

      Application frameworks

Libraries and technologies      

      Testing frameworks

Programming languages

Application frameworks

Libraries & technologies

Testing frameworks

Experience in software development

For further details, download my attached Curriculum Vitae.

Software engineering bootcamp

Oct 2022 - Feb 2023

  • Front end development with React, HTML and CSS
  • Back end development with Node and Express
  • HTTP servers and REST APIs
  • Version control and collaborative git workflows
  • Pair programming and code review
  • Test driven development

C# development training

Mar 2023 - Apr 2023

  • C# and .NET fundamentals
  • Object oriented programming
  • Collaborative group projects
  • Working in agile teams using scrum framework
  • SQL Server and Entity Framework
  • Data modelling and database design
  • Unit testing and debugging

Coding traineeship

Jun 2023 - Feb 2024

  • Full stack engineering career pathway
  • Strong focus on practical web development projects
  • Front end development with React, Angular and Vue
  • Advanced SQL and data modelling
  • JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP and Python
  • jQuery and Bootstrap

My Projects

Explore some of the projects I've published.

jQuery & PHP projects

Each of the following is a single-page application featuring jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap and server-side code written in PHP.

PHP and jquery gazetteer app

Front-end app that uses reverse geocoding APIs to reveal a wealth of information about countries, including points of interest, weather, news, demographics, currency exchagne rates, wikipedia articles and more.

PHP and jquery CRUD app

CRUD application featuring PHP, MySQL and jQuery. Data model allows user to update, add and remove entries for personnel, departments and locations. Includes search and filter functionality.

Full stack applications

Each of the following is a three-tier application consisting of a database layer (created in PSQL and MongoDB), a front end (written in Angular, React and Vue) and a dedicated REST API service (written in Express, Laravel and Django) providing JSON data to the front end.

An ambitious and artful project brimming with advanced features. Written in TypeScript using Angular, RxJS and NgRx and featuring comprehensive cart and checkout systems, wishlist, order history, customer account, and lots more.

A multi-view geometric simulation based on John Conway's Game Of Life. Created using React and Three.js. Features CRUD functionality and user authentication - plus a swanky controls UI allowing for lots of interactivity.

A responsive mobile-first app that leverages Laravel's powerful features and Next13's React components. Features reverse geocoding using Bing Maps API and utility-basesd styling using Tailwind CSS.

This is a social app in the form of a CRUD application with a React front end and a JavaScript JSON API developed with Node and Express. Includes integration testing with SuperTest.

Front end apps

Here are a few other standalone apps that I have created - this time, without an accompanying back end service.

A stylish application for browsing and searching reddit, written in TypeScript using Vue's Composition API and reactivity system. The UI is constructed using data from the reddit JSON API, including latest threads, subreddits and users.

A React application that allows users to search Spotify music library and create/edit playlists via the Spotify Web API, authorising them via access tokens and a front-end OAuth flow.

A CRUD application written using Vue's Options API, reactivity features and Single-File Components. Styling aided by Bootstrap.

RESTful API design with Swagger UI, serving as visual documentaion for one of my REST API projects, using Open API specification within a YAML document.

A 3D application written using React-three-fiber and other Three.js libraries


My public GitHub repositories.